Welcome to Southern Golden Retriever Rescue
We are a Charity dedicated to helping Golden Retrievers who for whatever reason, need to find a new home.
Special friends of our charity have sadly lost their own great friend Kizzie, aged 14. Jean and David gave Kizzie a wonderful life having adopted her about 4 years ago. She was much indulged with cuddles and companionship, which is what most Goldens would ask for at the start of every single day.
Take care Jean and David, thank you from all of us in SGRR.
Sherry is a spirited senior who refuses to act her age. Her energetic nature will keep you on your toes as she loves to play, always ready for a game of fetch or a swim in the lake.
Between Battersea and our small charity Southern Golden Retriever Rescue we managed to help Lexi into a comfortable and happy life.
Battersea’s story- Golden Retriever Lexi is a lovable soul who captured many hearts during her time in Battersea’s care in 2021. Brought in as her previous owners were moving and unable to take her with them, her sweet, docile nature quickly made her a firm favourite amongst Battersea staff.
Unfortunately, it soon became apparent that, despite her excellent temperament, she wouldn’t be able to go to a new home any time soon. Battersea’s expert veterinary team noticed that she was walking with a limp in her left hind leg. Although she didn’t seem to be suffering or in any pain, she was unable to properly extend her leg. After a couple of walks with the team, her limp had started to deteriorate.
An X-ray revealed that Lexi had dislocated her hip. While being ‘popped in’ whilst resting, her hip was consistently ‘popping out’ every time she went for a walk. Medical intervention was needed.
Battersea vets consulted with a Royal Veterinary College (RVC) expert and the decision was made to replace Lexi’s hip entirely.
Just over 100 days and many hours of love, dedication and care later, she left Battersea to start her new life and she has gone from strength to strength. As Lexi’s condition would require continual management and regular vet visits and possibly future surgery our Animal Partnerships team reached out to Southern Golden Retriever Rescue, who were able to match her up with a perfect, experienced family.
Lexi’s adopted family story. We all went down to Cornwall for a week last summer and just had the best time. We discovered she has a penchant for cuttlefish bones, as she gave her best effort to clearing every beach of them (some hurried googling reassured us they're not harmful!). She's also loving spending time with my parents' Labradors, Belle (7) and Olive (2). Olive and Lexi are particularly good friends and act like very cheeky toddlers whenever they're together, including crashing out together in a heap in bed.
We've all settled into life together perfectly, and we really couldn't imagine a world without her in it. She makes us laugh every day- She’s incredibly loving, happy and calm. She's a tremendous force of good. .
SGRR has again been nominated for the Petplan Animal Charity of the Year Award.
Several of our rehomed dogs with their families proudly displaying our generous Nomination for the Petplan Animal Charity Team of the Year 2024
A hard working volunteer in our terrific team
Operating in Kent, Surrey, East and West Sussex, Hampshire and Greater London south of the Thames, our aim is to place the right dog into exactly the right home.
If you need to rehome your much loved Golden Retriever please call us first.
We provide a detailed and careful match of your dog’s character and needs with a new home.
A secure garden is essential.
We offer lifetime support to the new home,
Updates for you for your peace of mind
No charges whatsoever
Perhaps we can help you to keep him, ask us.
Contact us or Tel: 07480 100344 or email Rachel.clark@sgrr.org.uk
Latest News
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Posted 12th December 2022 - Foster Homes Needed
Posted 5th November 2021 - Bloat Awareness
Posted 8th February 2020
Southern Golden Retriever Rescue is on Facebook.
To connect with Southern Golden Retriever Rescue you can now follow us on facebook!
We would also like to thank Battersea for their support of our new website